The weather has been so lovely this past weekend, that I have literally just laid in the sun and swum in the lake and in the pool. It really got me thinking about what I want to do and what I want to acheieve this summer. Here is a list of some things I came up with, and I'm sharing it so you guys can get some inspiration (I hope). Please share your own summer plans and/or ideas in the comments. I just love summer, and don't want it to go to waste, because here in Canada, they come and go by so fast!
Go for walks. Whether they be when I wake up, or after lunch, or after dinner, I want to take a stroll around the streets, or along the beach, or along the river just to get some exercise and fresh air. I want to aim for 4-5 times a week. It just feels so nice to get some exercise before plonking down on my computer for work, or snuggling up on the couch for some Netflix.
Make fun plans once a week to do with Cree and/or friends. I'm thinking plans from a lunch out, or a picnic in the park, or a festival, or a road trip. It could be anything. Just something to look forward to with the people you love!
Take lots of photos. I don't do this nearly enough. There are always funny moments that I wish I captured! Plus who doesn't love to buy cute photo albums to keep memories, or fill up their Instagram with some cute summery pics!?
Create a summer wardrobe capsule. So I was unaware of this new "wardrobe capsule" until I realised it was everywhere on other blogs and Pinterest. I love the idea of it. If you don't know what it is (like me), it is a set of basic and essential clothing items which can be mixed and matched to create lots of outfits. I guess it is a lot like if you were to pack a suitcase, you would take as little clothing items as possible, to create endless amounts of outfits - same idea. I think it's a great idea, you can then create outfits that you know you love and feel good in, and buy items of clothing you know you need in your wardrobe.
Go on adventures. When I say "go on adventures" I don't mean the adventures you took as a 10 year old, because 1) I'm 20, and 2) the idea of a tree house and imaginary friends doesn't really interest me anymore (actually I lie, a cool tree house would be an awesome adventure! haha). The adventures I'm talking about are exploring new places I've never been, go to cute little cafes, go swimming at a new water hole - but Courtney, make sure you're snapping these memories!!!
Go running outside 3 times a week. I am really unfit. Like it's embarrassing. So this summer before the snow comes, I want to make an effort to do some sort of exercise at least 3 times a week - not that casual stroll, I mean an intense workout or a run that gets my heart racing. I have always been someone who wishes they could just run without stopping.. So I think now is the time to finally see how far I can get!
Here they are!! I may add more to this list as I think of more. Let me know what your plans are for this summer, I'd love to hear your ideas and draw inspiration from you!
Lots of love xx